Thursday, August 25, 2005

Some More Knitting

I made a baby sweater & toy monkey for my friends' new baby, Luca. The sweater was pretty easy, although I had the darndest time seaming the sleeves since it was a vertical garter stitch. I couldn't find anything online, so I winged it with decent results.

My 1st buttonholes & sleeves!

Here's the pattern from a whole page of cool baby stuff to do.

I originally wanted to knit the ITV monkey, but another site swore that their pattern was easier with the same results. Mmm, not exactly, but the bugger still turned out kinda cute. Maybe some day I'll try the real deal & keep'im all to my self. He he.

You wanna try to knit the ITV monkey? Go for it.

& here's something I made for myself. Got the pattern from WARNING! If you want to make this for yourself, make it a size smaller than what you think is appropriate. Believe me. Several other people & I found the 1st time we tried to knit this, we ended up swimming in it. What I'm wearing is the SMALL size.


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