Thursday, December 15, 2005

On With The Show

Wow. I can't believe it's been two months. I had been meaning to post earlier, but was having problems downloading the photos my boyfriend sent me from the auction. I was also having some personal problems, including almost being evicted - the owner wanted the space for her son, but realized she couldn't afford to kick me out, so I get to stay. Yay!

Although my belt received the highest bid, it still didn't get as much as I had hoped, but at least I got to check out all the belts up close & they were so cool. David even got me my favorite one for my birthday. Thank you, David!

The woman on the left was the model for my belt & she was amazing! It was her idea to tie it on the side. I loved it so much, I took one last opportunity to wear it. Copy cat!

And here we all are, the artists & our lovely models. David was tempted to see if he'd get kicked out by shoving the models into the pool while they were walking the runway. But he was just all talk. If he were only as passively aggressively wicked as me.


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