Thursday, October 08, 2009

Bad Acupuncture Experience

I'm not crazy about needles. I think it has to do with going through so many surgeries as a kid. I'd that needle coming and I would freak out. Hardcore. Now, I try to act like a big girl, but I just tense up. I pretend to be easygoing during acupuncture, but sometimes, it stings! Yesterday was the WORST. I go to a student clinic to save money, so even though my student is the same, the doctor can be different, depending on the day. Well, I had to schedule on Dr. Chu's day. Yes, Dr. Chu. He's a sweet, sweet man who struggles with English, but he could incapacitate a charging bull with one needle. Talk about hardcore. His method is to use only a few needles in the most sensitive areas.
My neck was bothering me a little more than usual, so he decided to try something different. He stuck a very long needle in my upper lip and I burst into tears. I can't describe the pain. And I couldn't stop crying. I think it was mostly out of embarrassment: I probably looked ridiculous, bawling with this frickin' needle sticking out of my face.
Anyway, Dr. Chu felt terrible. He held my hand and kept apologizing. He probably did it correctly, but I just can't handle that kind of pain. So, as kind as he is, I think I'm going to avoid Wednesdays at the clinic. : (

What I'm grateful for:

Acupuncture (as much as it hurts sometimes)

My computer

Comfy socks on cold nights




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