Friday, October 09, 2009

Good Day

I got asked to do a last minute assignment this morning, and ended up going to a high school exclusively for mentally disabled students. Now, some people might back away from this kind of offer, but I couldn't turn this down. I love my Special Eddies....and Edwinas....

I would choose so-called challenged kids over so-called normal kids any day of the week. Yeah, there's the occasional flying dirty diaper to dodge, but that's nothing compared to frustrated, vengeful, pseudo-schizo, peer-pressured tweens 24/7. The smell of better-check-his-pants is almost like a breath of fresh air. I said almost.

Seriously, these kids are the sweetest people, who don't have a vicious bone in their bodies. Most of them don't care what others think of them; they only want to hug the closest moving object. How can these guys not warm the coldest of hearts?

I do have to admit it can be a little frustrating when you try to teach something that doesn't seem to penetrate one's cranium. But, anyone who has taught the average middle to high school student knows, there's no difference! At least these kids have a valid reason as to why they aren't "getting it".

I look forward to teaching these kids again in the very near future.

What I'm grateful for:




German. (It just popped in my head.)

unsweetened ice tea.


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