I Just Stepped Out For a Minute.....

& I must've taken a wrong turn, 'cause it took a year and a half to get back!
And what a year (plus 5 months) it's been. Mostly good things, but I won't bore you with the details.
But I will tell you that some of my work has been shown at places like the Hive Gallery, the Craft & Folk Art Museum & I can now add Lakenhal Museum to my resume. My friend, Edith, invited me to participate in a show in the Netherlands & I couldn't pass that up. Even though it's about beer... & I don't drink. So I decided to go with the obvious & work with the theme: sex & booze. A sort of beer cozy ended up being the final product.
Now if I could just figure ou how to rotate the damn picture.....
Next Episode: My trip to Denmark & Germany....